Similhair Burgundu synthetic pipe over-grainer. Natural polished handle. Ø 3,5 mm. Length out : 28 mm for all sizes.
Pincel ancho con mechones redondos en en fibra sintética roja violacea 0.15 mm. Mango incoloro. Ø 3,5 mm. Longitud de pelo : 28 mm para todos los n°.
Breiter Pinsel mit Similhair Bordeaux hell rot Kunstfäser 0.15 mm Strähnen. Naturlackierter Stiel. Ø 3,5 mm. Haarlänge : 28 mm.
Similhair® Samy : Grey synthetic slightly ondulated hair with good paintretention and fine point ; medium hardness
Similhair® Burgundy : 0.10 - 0.15 mm more nervous fibre with good precision.